Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hey tell it..Mr. President...

"Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real," Obama said. "They are serious, and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America: They will be met."


President Barack Obama with his loving family....

I am so inspired by all of this... I mean, folks by the hundreds travelling miles and miles to see this historic moment, the students marching in the parade (shouts out to Cobb High School from Georgia), the speech, the inagruation balls, the participants in the inagruation events, Sasha and Maliah sharing their daddy with America and Mrs. Michelle Obama supporting her husband as he has so much on his plate.

Congratulations Barack Obama-- our 44th President! He's the man with the plan!! Now we all have to continue to uplift him as he try to sort out things to make our country better.

President Obama and the First Lady Michelle first dance

Simply Beautiful...Congratulations!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Congrats to my favorite couple...

Nas and Kelis are expecting a baby!
I am so happy for them...Also, Congrats to them on making 4yrs of marriage. You know that's a long time for some folks...I'm for real.

Anyway, I wonder if it's a boy will they name it Nasir Jr.? Or if it's a girl, it should be named "Strawberry Milkshake" just playing...but I know they are really excited. I can picture Kelis strolling her baby around in a decked out stroller with matching bag. She's such a fashionista.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Love & Happiness!!

The Obamas show the world that loving one another is so rewarding! Yes, indeed, black marriages can survive through the thick and thin...Shout out to Ebony for capturing this beautiful portrait of "Love & Harmony"...

This looks like one of those cute Hallmark cards for Valentine's Day!

Beyonce dominating Youtube...

You go Girl!!
Beyonce videos are having the most views on Youtube. So it looks like she is the "Queen of the 'internet' Jungle" she's handling these gators. LOL "Single Ladies" has like 22 million views on Youtube. I think we are intrigued by that "metal glove" and her dance moves. LOL

Jill Scott expecting?

Big things 2009!! That's right...I've heard that...The lovely songstress, Jilly from Philly is expecting her first child...

Congrats to Jill Scott! She's one of my favorites. I am sure that her child will be surrounded by creativity and love. She makes some feel good music. When I listen to anything by Jill Scott, I feel empowered. ("Living my life like it's "Golden") is my jam! Also, my New Year's resolution..."Live your life" like it's Golden!

Today's Gossip is..

Today's Gossip is..